9 Ways to Boost your Snack Brands Visibility in the On-Trade

The on-trade environment presents a unique challenge for snacking brands - how do you grab attention and drive sales when consumers aren't necessarily visiting pubs with snacking top of mind? 

From creating in bar visibility and occasions in pub gardens, to incentive schemes and driving off-trade to on-trade purchase, here are 9 ways to stand out and create memorable snacking experiences in the on-trade.

Perfectly Paired Bar Clips

Entice consumers with bar clips and font hangers that further amplify brand visibility at the point of purchase. These provide an opportunity to highlight recommended flavour pairings, positioning your brand as an authority and guide the tasting experience.

Off to On-Trade ‘Try Me’ Stickers

Bridge the gap between retail and on-trade by adding stickers to your packs purchased off-premise. The stickers can highlight venues that stock the products, driving footfall back to pubs and bars. They’re also a great value add for your on-trade customer plans. 

Elevated In-Bar Displays

Get front and centre by utilising tiered display shelves, branded baskets and bold branded clip strips behind the bar. No more hiding under the counter!

Menu Placements

The ultimate brand visibility goal - secure a spot on venue menus. Use eye-catching illustrations, flavour profiles and pairing recommendations to transform menus into assets that explore new tastes.

Snack Happy Hours

Introduce a dedicated "Snack Happy Hour" when the kitchen is closed but appetites are still active. Celebrate the perfect pint-snack combo with a happy our price promotion.

The Ultimate Crisp Dish

Reimagine how people share by introducing a dish modelled around a four-pint carrier. This communal experience fosters connections over snacking, encouraging the ‘tear and share’ approach to snacking.

Snack Encounters: Garden Edition

Deploy brand ambassadors to distribute free samples and sell snacks products in pub gardens to deliver instant product trials and visibility.

Interactive Flavour Stations

Let people customise their own snacking experience by installing top loader flavour dispensers where they can fill branded bowls with their ideal snack combos.

Loyalty & Incentives

Reward bartenders who upsell with free products, or partner with clubs (e.g. wine) to include crisp boxes as a loyalty perk, driving distribution.

In summary

By getting creative with your activations, we can transform on-trade snacking fixtures into fun, engaging experiences designed to unlock a strong brand presence. 

Contact us today to discuss how Quantum could help you grab attention and drive sales.


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On Trade Safari - Issue #2